This little monster is now 9 months old. To say the least he has change my life – our lives.
We brought him home when he was 9 weeks old. We did this because we wanted him with us during the window of time when he’d bond most strongly with us. The first 3 months were rough. We’d never had a dog before, either of us. So here we were with a puppy that needed ALL the training, no experience, and a backyard that turned into a mud pit when it rained.
My wife enrolled him in the Great Puppy Day School at the What a Great Dog training center here in town. They were amazing. He is very smart, and requires very little instruction. It helped a lot. Potty training was all on us, and it was tough.
Now, months later, he is indeed becoming a great dog. Sweet, good natured, quiet (an anomaly apparently with shelties).
Tonight he picked up his Grogu toy and hopped up on this air bed with it.
We love him.
This brings a light to the darkened pit of what passes as my soul…or maybe the coffee just hasn’t hit bottom yet. I’m stoked you guys have this guy in your life. Being needed in a REAL way by another life form, and answering that call is a feeling that’s not easily explained without lots of cheese.
Oh…and I’m laughing at your true nerdness. “Grogu” instead of the pedestrian “Baby Yoda”….
NERDS!!!! Be loud, be proud!
Fantastic. So happy for the 3 of ya.