Blog Roll

Here are a few blogs I read.

On my MacBook I use the Reeder app to subscribe to these blogs’ RSS feeds. Reader costs $4.99 as of today. I prefer to buy one-time purchase apps and not worry about the annoying ads and in-app purchases that come with free apps, or the subscription costs of other apps.

NeverWas Skateboarding – the blog of the NeverWas skateboarding group.

Mike Moore Studios – my friend Mike’s blog

Concrete Existence – my friend Chris’s skateboarding blog

Brian Neverwas – the blog of Brian Neverwas, a smart skateboarder

Minutes to Midnight – the blog of Simone Silvestroni, who thinks about internet things really well

Manu – I Write – blog of Manuel Moreale, who interviews bloggers and writes interesting stuff.

The Twilight Sessions: Skateboarding (and Life) Over 50 – my friend Chris’s other blog, about aging as a skateboarder.

From Jason – this guy Jason, who I met on, is a character (in the good way).

From Jason on – his other blog, where he posts wackier stuff. – the blog of Matthew Graybosch