Dog Sports

Yesterday we took Riley to a short class on “scent training” or something like that.

It involved me rubbing a mixture of smelly treats on my shoes, shuffling across the grass to create a trail and periodically dropping treats, and then my wife following him on his loose leash while he followed the trail to the end, at which point he celebrated with her.

By the end of the hour Riley was really getting it, and it was super cute and heartwarming to see my wife and our dog celebrating is success!


A trick

My new friend Noah, who I met at StupidFest this year, sent me this video clip of me doing that same end-over to frontside fakie 360 at Zombie Baby ditch. Always fun to have stuff like this just materialize. I like this view – it shows the ditch really well.

A New Board

I’ve had this Cockfight Skateboards deck for a few months. With the death of Frank Gardner I for some reason found myself compelled to set it up. Thanks, Frank. Seriously. I will seek to honor you with every ride on this beast.

Setup – can’t remember what they call this shape. Indy 169s, 1 thin riser, 54mm 95a OJ Nomads.

This will be a damned good board.