I went to see the Hunger last night, at the local Alamo Drafthouse. It’s great to have a theater in neighborhood that has the flexibility to show movies like this at appropriate times (death of David Bowie) and to be able to show classics, cult movies, etc.
I had never seen this film before. Honestly, I enjoyed it. I liked the opening scence with Bauhaus playing Bela Lugosi’s Dead. I liked the stylized cinematography, even though it could be argued it looked like a long commerical. I liked David Bowie. I liked it that the lead women in the film looked like adult women, and not girls.
I don’t think movies like this are made anymore. They way it looks, the pacing, the look of the actors — nothing like this could be done today. It’s slow, while today’s movies are all fast.
Anyway, I don’t have a lot to say except that I dug it.
I want to start going to more special showings at the Alamo.
I agree – it’s a very interesting and original vampire movie.