Tag: bicycle commuting

Bike commuting miles for May 2008

This was my first month commuting by bike. 7.5 miles each way.

I rode to work 9 times — 157 miles total (including a few side trips to the store or bank on the way home).

I can probably ride twice that many times next month. I didn’t really get started until the second week in May.  It has been 2 weeks since I last filled up my car, and I still have half a tank.

My overall fitness level has increased. I’ve lost five pounds while eating lots of food. Today I went out for a 24 mile ride down to and around White Rock Lake — much easier than its even been.

That is all.

Bikes for the Rest of Us

One of my favorite blogs is Bikes for the Rest of Us. The site offers news and pics of bikes that are suitable for commuting and/or leisure riding. They typically look at bikes that are less than $1000 — some much less — that still provide a great urban commuting solution. As rising gas prices continue to break this country’s balls, I think these kinds of bikes are going to become more popular and more available. Now granted, they haven’t mentioned the Electra Townie yet, but it’s still a great site.