An excellent Saturday evening…

So, Saturday evening was quite excellent. My friend Dale is in from California, so I took him over to see my mom, who was delighted to see him for the first time in about 22 years. Then we went over to my freestyle spot at Richardson Public Library and skated. Dale could seriously be right on top of things with regard to freestyle with a tiny amount of practice. You can see his familiaritywith how to do FS — he has never lost it.

As it got dark, some BMXers showed up and of course that sucks. They weren’t being dicks — it was just too crowded. We went around front of the library and continued to session, sat on the park bench and brainstormed tricks, and enjoyed the mild Texas night. Nothing quite as refreshing as skating in the heat, then the sun sets and it cools down into the low 80s, and it feels like a nice cool breeze. Then we went back to mi casa, where I gave Dale a new FS board and some wheels, plus instructions on trucks and stuff to buy. Muy excelente!