A big technology dump…and props to Wendy Davis

As I write this, fear not for my mood. I am “jamming” the Toy Dolls, and thus in quite a reasonably good state of mind.

Tonight my now 7-year old MacBook took a big dump. I turned it on, it began to book up, put the background image, but would not build my desktop. I tried several times, and each time a big, stinking, slimy, dump.

Thank “BOB” I back up my machine regularly. As I sit her listening to “Ernie Had A Hernia”, my poor old electronic friend attempts to reload from the last backup. Since it is, in fact, rebuilding, it seems the parts are all working. Doubtless the Pinks sabotaged my software. No matter. I am bigger than them.

It has not been a wonderful month for technology in my sphere of influence. In the 100 degree Texas summer heat, my car’s AC dumped on me last week.  Our “new” vacuum cleaner took a dump on me last night, refusing to create a vacuum though the motors all seem to be running. After practically taking the whole damned thing apart  I have failed to diagnose the problem. So it is mentally filed in the mind-cabinet under the category “Currently Fucked Up.”

I suppose while I’m writing I should mention the powerful and brave performance of Texas State Senator Wendy Davis, who stood in front of the Texas Senate for over 12 hours the other night to filibuster an anti-abortion bill that would have reduced not only access to abortion for Texas women, but also associated medical services. Our cowardly and stupid Lt. Governor actually tried to falsify the time stamp of the final vote, after a gallery full of citizens stood up for their rights and shouted the GOP pinks down.

Our neanderthal Governor has already called another special legislative session, and will spend close to $1 million on it, in order to force the bill through. I suspect it will pass this time, but not without a lot of debate.

Thanks and mad props to Senator Davis, however, for at least trying to keep evolution moving in the right direction. It is a hard fight, and she has guts.



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