Here is a note from the Quorum Report, a Texas Political Website.
The Kucinich for President campaign is filing a lawsuit against the Texas Democratic Party to stop the Party from excluding Ohio Congressman Dennis Kucinich from the Democratic primary election ballot. A co-plaintiff in the lawsuit is legendary entertainer, longtime Kucinich friend, and Texas voter, Willie Nelson.
The state party notified the Kucinich campaign today that its application for a place on the Texas primary ballot was rejected because Kucinich refused to “swear an oath” to “fully support the Democratic nominee for President, whoever that shall be.”
I’m not surprised by this. During the last presidential election, I served as a county delegate to the Texas Democratic Convention. I did not find the membership of the party to be very progressive (though there were some exceptions), and frankly I thought throughout most of the post-precinct-level activities I was strongly encouraged to NOT vote my conscience. I’m sure the same is true on the Republican side.
Anyway, I hope Kucinich wins this lawsuit.
Dude, what’s with the new look? Are you all aggro for ’08?