Podcast Episode 3: Englishmen in Texas – Abrook and Weller

Thanks for checking out the 3rd episode of the Concrete Lunch Podcast.

In Numero Tres, I begin with an interview I did about a year ago with Greg Stubbs, at the no-longer-permission pool Electric Larry Land.

Then we move on to a longer interview with English transplants to the Dallas skateboarding scene, Tracy Weller and Mark Abrook.

Tracy is sponsored by and has a model on Entropy Skateboards. Mark has his own brewing company, Abrook Ales.

A big thanks to both guys from coming over and sitting down with me!

Music in the episode:

Intro – Don’t Worry, He Was Going to Die Anyway, by Deep Snapper
Clip going into Weller/Abrook Interview — the Sex Pistols – Anarchy in the UK
Outro – Whiskey and Pliers – Deep Snapper

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