More skate video filming

I finally got out last night to film some last stuff for the upcoming NeverWas II video. I’ll be honest. It wasn’t easy thinking up new stuff to do. It’s not like I’ve learned a lot of new tricks since the last one. It would be nice if I had a parking block at the little ditch where I skate, but I don’t. Oh well. I just kind of skate the way I skate. I realize now that mostly I do a lot of 180s and 360s in different combinations. That’s what I like to do. So they’ll be getting a lot of that in this upcoming blockbuster. It’s actually quite fun to get these clips together and then see what another editor does with them.

Anyway, here’s a clip I did yesterday. Just me doing the same old stuff. Have no idea if it will make the final cut on the video.

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