Alva is 60

I’ve probably posted this before, but skateboarding legend Tony Alva recently turned 60 so I’ll post this again.

As a young skater, the whole Alva/Dogtown thing never appealed to me. I didn’t get it. I wasn’t into the whole beach-dirtbag thing, haha. I didn’t understand what it was all about, and I didn’t have a big brother to explain it to me.

Then in the late 1980s, I guess I found the whole toughguy image associated with Alva Skates to be dumb. Again – not my thing.

When I saw this video a few years ago I became an Alva fan. I like it when people grow up to be good humans. No one is perfect, and we all start in different places, with different challenges.

Happy birthday, Tony Alva.