It looks cool

Just posting this because I think it looks cool. The grip tape that came on my Bustin Boombox was super coarse. Not as bad as pizza grip, but a lot rougher than regular grip tape. Man, I don’t need that in my life. I left it on the nose and tail, ripped it off the whole middle section of the board, and replaced it with pieced together remnants of normal grip tape.

4 thoughts on “It looks cool

  1. Eric sanders

    Ah yes, I also noticed that the tape on my two bustins-maestro and the push king sportster seems a bit extra course. My take is the idea of this is a board for hills, lets keep the feet glued to it. Although I think it is jesseup tape on the bustin’s it may be there extra course tape. I had a DB board pre taped and it was this duper grit mondo shoe holding tape. I talked with other old folks of skate and we all believe that pizza tape was made for sanding down concrete or barnacles.

    1. admin Post author

      That’s a good question! Or even move your feet?!
      This tape as rough enough that if you brushed your skin with it there would be blood.


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